AutoSSL Hosting For Improved Website Security & Performance

Learn how to rank higher on search engines, ensure greater convenience, security & performance on your website by using our AutoSSL-enabled hosting packages.

autossl hosting package

One of the biggest pain points that website owners often run into when trying to optimize their website tends to be SSL installation and its renewal.

To ensure greater convenience, security, and performance for website owners who host their website with us, Web Hosting Magic provides AutoSSL that takes this pain away.

With AutoSSL, there are no more forms to fill out and no manually copying CA issued keys to and fro.

Using SSL helps secure your website by encrypting data, like credit card numbers, and other sensitive information while in transit to and from your website.

SSL encryption ensures that communication between your visitor and the website is private and confidential.

Additional benefits of SSL include:

  • Visitors can verify that they are on your website and not that of an impostor.
  • Visitors can verify that your website content has not been modified in transit.
  • Search engines use this as part of the calculation when assigning a ranking to your website.

Once you complete your web hosting order and your account is provisioned, our system automatically installs a Domain Validated SSL certificate to every domain you host with us.

Perhaps more exciting is the fact that your SSL coverage will never lapse.

When the SSL is nearing its expiration time, our systems request a new SSL and again, automatically install it on the domain.

To see the current SSL status for each domain, log in to your cPanel and visit Security >> SSL/TLS Status.

This interface allows you to view, upgrade, or renew your Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates. You can also view useful information about each domain’s SSL certificate.

For example:

  • the type of certificate that secures the domain.
  • when the certificate expires or expired.
  • graphical representation of all certificates for quick reference.
  • options such as View Certificate or Upgrade Certificate for applicable domains.
  • AutoSSL Domain Control Validation (DCV) error messages for applicable domains.
  • and the last time that AutoSSL ran for applicable domains.

If any of the domains you have added to your cPanel server doesn’t have AutoSSL enabled, ensure that the domain is pointing to the IP address we gave you when your hosting account was provisioned.

Now, the machine hosting your website can ONLY install an SSL on your domain if the IP resolves or pointing correctly to our DNS system.

We recommend that you log in to your DNS provider dashboard and replicate the zones you see at cPanel >>> Domains >>> Zone Editor there.

Once you have done that, re-visit the page and run the AutoSSL to install SSL on the domain or its sub-domains.

To control whether AutoSSL includes an individual domain, select one of the following options:

  • Include during AutoSSL — Select the checkbox of each domain to include when AutoSSL runs, then click Include during AutoSSL.
  • Exclude during AutoSSL — Select the checkbox of each domain to exclude when AutoSSL runs, then click Exclude during AutoSSL.
  • Run AutoSSL — Force AutoSSL to run immediately. The AutoSSL is in progress … message displays for the duration of the AutoSSL operation. The page will refresh when the operation completes.

For example, if you want to exclude a sub-domain from using our AutoSSL because you want to use a purchased SSL certificate for it, simply turn off the AutoSSL for that sub-domain.

Again, you must ensure that the IP for the domain or sub-domain resolves correctly to our system or the API call will fail.

If you have done everything right and still unable to see a valid SSL certificate on the domain, clear your local cache or visit your website via Incognito or Private Mode.

For customers coming from LetsEncrypt, you do NOT need LetsEncrypt at all.

The only time you need to install an additional SSL is if you are buying an Extend Validated or Organizational SSL Certificates for your e-commerce website or for a different purpose.

And you can do that via cPanel >> Home >> Security >> SSL/TLS Wizard.

The SSL/TLS Wizard interface allows you to easily purchase and install SSL certificates for domains on your account.

It also lists purchased certificates that an SSL certificate provider has yet to deliver.

Another quick method is by visiting

In either of these cases, our systems will install the SSL you purchased automatically.

This (among others), is one of the ways we ensure that your web hosting experience with us is secure, fun and super-fast.



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