Category: cPanel
The Ultimate Guide To cPanel File Manager
cPanel users can use the File Manager to work on their files directly from the cPanel interface. Learn how to use all the cPanel File Manager options.
Super Easy Ways To Retrieve DNS Network Information in cPanel
Learn how to use existing tools to retrieve DNS network information in cPanel, and troubleshoot DNS issues with your cPanel-hosted domain(s).
1 Simple Tool To Succeed at WordPress Site Optimization
Here is a non-code method to make your WordPress site optimization effort faster and smarter. With 1-click, boost your WordPress optimization level to 300%.
How To Grant Access To Your Web Developer Like A Pro
In this walk-through tutorial, we are going to explore the best method that you (a business owner) can use to grant a web developer access to cPanel.
cPanel: The Secrets To Successful HTTP Error Page
Learn about the HTTP status codes cPanel natively supports and how to create & customize HTTP error pages for your cPanel-hosted domain … the right way.
cPanel PHP Settings: How To Change A Domain PHP Timezone
Learn how to change or modify the PHP time zone setting of your cPanel hosting account using PHP Selector or cPanel’s MultiPHP INI Editor.
cPanel SSH: How To Create, Use & Access cPanel via SFTP/SSH
Follow this walk-through to generate an OpenSSH key pair on macOS & Linux, add it to your cPanel server and remotely log in to cPanel using SFTP/SSH.
How To Prevent Web Hosting Data Loss or Compromise
Want to prevent losing your hosting account data or minimize the impact when it happens? We have a couple of suggestions that could help you as a website owner.
8 Easy Steps To More DNS Success For Website Owners
For a website’s performance, security & availability to be top-notch, the DNS implementation must be flawless. Here are the life-saving DNS records you need to have in place.
Moving WordPress – The Easy Way
This short WordPress tutorial shows you how to install WordPress with WordPress Toolkit, and then move it to a different location by cloning it or manually.