Webmail allows you to access your email accounts through any browser & here is how to edit your MX in cPanel when you want to use Google’s GSuite MX records.
A mail exchanger (MX) entry is like a zip code that determines which mail server receives emails for your domain name.
While you may be able to send emails without the MX record configured for your domain name, but you will not be able to receive emails without it or if it is incorrectly pointed to the wrong location.
Changes you make to a domain’s MX (Mail Exchanger) specifies where the system delivers email for a domain.
An MX record will typically consist of two parts: priority and domain name.
For example, depending on what company is hosting your email, yours might be:
0 mail.domain_name.com OR 0 domain_name.com
‘0’ is the priority or preference.
The lower the number, the higher is the priority.
The “mail.domain_name.com” or “domain_name.com”
Outgoing email servers connect to the MX servers in order of priority.
If you use more than one MX record and both have the same priority, it picks one at random.
If you have two MX records with the same priority, the server with the higher preference number will be contacted only if the servers with lower preference numbers are unavailable (this is typically used for backup mail servers).
What is Webmail?

Part of the DNS records that cPanel automatically creates when a new cPanel hosting account is provisioned is what is known as MX record.
Each hosting account also gets a cPanel Webmail.
Webmail allows you to access your email accounts through any browser.
You can use cPanel Webmail to check your email by navigating to https://domain_name.com:2096, or https://webmail.domain_name.com where domain_name.com represents your email address’s domain.
To access Webmail via the cPanel interface and navigate to cPanel’s Email Accounts interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Accounts).
Then, in the Email Accounts tab, locate the email account in the list and click Access Webmail.
The Webmail interface will open in a new browser tab.
What Is GSuite?

GSuite is Google’s productivity and collaboration tools that comprise of Gmail, Hangouts, Calendar, Drive for storage; Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, and Sites for collaboration.
As part of G Suite, Gmail comes with features designed for business use, including email addresses with the customer’s domain name (@domain_name.com) and support for third-party apps/add-ons from the G Suite Marketplace.
Sometimes our enterprise cPanel customers with GSuite account will prefer Google mail infrastructure to Webmail that comes when a new cPanel hosting account is provisioned.
For privacy-minded individuals though, using GSuite means that you are trusting Google completely when it states that “we do not collect, scan or use your G Suite data for advertising purposes and do not display ads in G Suite, Education, or Government core services“.
You might want to weigh this with the benefits that this will give you or your organization if you opt to go with GSuite.
How To Use GSuite MX Records With cPanel Webmail
Before you start, you must make sure that you have secured a GSuite account.
You can do this by visiting https://gsuite.google.com.
As the administrator for your G Suite account, you manage all your G Suite services, settings, and users.
Once your account is ready, sign in to your Google Admin console and follow the setup steps.
Click on Domains.
This is the place where you manage your domains and add/remove domains you trust in your GSuite account.
Add a new domain or click on the domain that you wish to change its MX records.
Google will give you a new set of MX records that you’ll need to add that will look like this:
MX server address | Priority |
These are the G Suite mail servers and include multiple servers in case one fails or requires maintenance.
To edit your server’s MX entries, perform the following steps:
Log back into cPanel and visit Domains >> Zone Editor.
From the Choose a Domain to Edit menu, select the name of the domain you have added to GSuite for which you wish to configure MX entries.
Click Edit.
A new interface will appear.
Once you the Zone Editor has listed the DNS records, find the one that says:
domain_name.com. MX 0 domain_name.com.
While Google may ask you to delete this record, doing that might disrupt your domain’s ability to receive emails.
It might be better to do this after adding all Google’s MX records and confirming that they have been added correctly before deleting it.
To add those new set of MX records that you got from Google, click on Add an MX Record dialog box.
In the Priority text box, type a priority.
For example, to add the first line:
Type in “1”.
Then add the “MX server address” as:
Repeat the same for the other four (4) remaining records.
If you make a mistake after adding a record, you can correct it by clicking Edit.
Email Routing In cPanel
Login to cPanel and visit Email >> Email Routing.
This interface allows you to configure how the system routes a domain’s incoming mail.
To configure how your server routes mail for a domain, perform the following steps:
Select the desired domain from the menu.
Select “Automatically Detect Configuration” as the Email Routing setting that you wish to use.
Enter the desired settings for each MX entry in the MX Entries section.
Click Change.
cPanel will modify the MX record.
Once this is completed, visit https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/cache.
At this URL, you clear any cache record for that domain.
This helps speed up propagation.
Return to the G Suite Setup Wizard.
Click through any confirming steps in the wizard.
Click “I have completed these steps” to tell Google to look for your new MX records.
Your business email for your domain is now directed to the G Suite mail servers.
Do note that the records may take several hours to update, so you might not immediately get new email messages in Gmail.
Until then, you’ll continue to receive messages at your old email provider if the previous settings are still in place.
If you see the MX records setup validation in progress message in the Admin console for more than a few hours, make sure you entered the MX address records and priorities correctly in the DNS records stored with your host.
If you still need help changing your MX records, contact G Suite
Post MX Edit Actions
We really suggest that you use the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) option to help prevent email spoofing on outgoing messages.
Email spoofing is when email content is changed to make the message appear from someone or somewhere other than the actual source.
Spoofing is a common unauthorized use of email, so some email servers require DKIM to prevent email spoofing.
DKIM adds an encrypted signature to the header of all outgoing messages by using a pair of keys, one private and one public, to verify messages.
A private domain key adds an encrypted header to all outgoing messages sent from your Gmail domain.
A matching public key is added to the Domain Name System (DNS) record for your Gmail domain. Email servers that get messages from your domain use the public key to decrypt message headers and verify the message source.
Email servers that get these messages use DKIM to decrypt the message header and verify the message was not changed after it was sent.
To do that, log back into your GSuite Admin.
Click on App, then GSuite.
Select Gmail from the list available apps.
Scroll down until you see “Authenticate email“.
Select the domain that will use the DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) protocol for authenticating outgoing emails.
Generate the domain key for your domain.
This will be named something like “google._domainkey“.
Add the public key to both cPanel using “TXT” in the Zone Editor and also to your domain’s DNS records.
Email servers can use this key to read message DKIM headers.
Turn on DKIM signing to start adding a DKIM signature to all outgoing messages.
It might take up to 48 hours for DNS changes to fully propagate.
Check Email Deliverability
One of the best features that cPanel 78 came with is the ability
This interface found at cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Deliverability helps cPanel users identify problems with your mail-related DNS records for one or more of your domains.
The system uses these records to verify that other servers can trust it as a sender.
It is advisable to use this to verify that everything about your mail DNS records is good and fully functional.
Troubleshooting MX REcord
If you notice that you are having issues with receiving emails or not entirely sure if you have gotten this right, follow the steps within Troubleshoot MX records to fix your DNS setup.
You can also use browser-based tools such as https://mxtoolbox.com.
If you are on Mac OS X, click Applications, Utilities, and select Terminal.
You can also pull this up by using the “Command-Space” bar and search for “Terminal“.
Run a simple “dig” command:
dig domain_name.com OR dig MX domain_name.com
If you are on Linux, open a terminal window.
At the command prompt, type the following command. Replace example.com with the domain that you want to test:
$ host -t MX domain_name.com
$ dig -t mx domain_name.com
If you are on Windows:
Go to Start > Run and type cmd.
At a command prompt, use nslookup $domain_name.com.
where the $domain_name.com is the name of your domain, and then press Enter.
The MX record for the domain you entered should be displayed.
If the MX record is not displayed, DNS is not configured properly.
You can also simply type:
$ nslookup -q=MX DOMAIN_NAME
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